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Thin steel plates

Take advantage of the steel plates characteristics at a low prices

Thin steel plates

Teca-Print Dünnstahlklischee

Thin steel cliché plates are clichés made from thin steel with a thickness of around 0.5 mm. They offer an inexpensive alternative to thick steel plates and are offered in unetched or unengraved condition in packs of 5.

Teca-Print offers two different thin steel cliché qualities:

Ecoprint thin steel clichés have a polished surface, Recoprint thin steel clichés are additionally lapped.

cost-effective alternative to thick steel plates
available also with perforation
can be delivered in two qualities
suitable for both open and sealed inkwell system

Overview Teca-Print thin steel plates

Ecoprint thin steel plates

Ecoprint thin steel cliché plates have a polished surface.
The good price/performance ratio makes Ecoprint clichés popular for a wide range of applications.

Ecoprint thin steel clichés are used in both open and sealed inking systems and are suitable for medium-sized series.

E050 (without holes)
E052 (2 holes)
E054 (4 holes)

Teca-Print Dünnstahlklischee mit Lochung, Grösse 100 x 220 mm, graviert
Recoprint thin steel plates

Recoprint clichés are the premium quality among thin steel cliché plates. Thanks to the lapped surface, the surface roughness corresponds to that of thick steel clichés.

Recoprint thin steel clichés are available for both open and sealed inking systems.

R050 (without holes)
R052 (2 holes)
R054 (4 holes)

Tampondruckmaschine TPX 102 mit Duennstahlklischee und Farbtopf

Teca-Print thin steel plate cliché service

We offer you our proven cliché service for our thin steel clichés. We are happy to take care of the entire cliché production process – from the graphic work to the finished engraved or etched thin steel plate.

When using our cliché service, you will receive single thin steel clichés in many dimensions and versions.

You can rely on our experience.

complete professional service including graphic editing of your file
fast delivery
laser engraved or chemical etching

to the cliché service


Cliché plates
Teca-Print cliché service
Sie möchten weitere Informationen zu unseren Dünnstahlklischees oder einer anderen Klischeeart? Gerne beraten wir Sie. Wir freuen uns über Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.

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    Our thin steel cliché plates are perfect for single-colour and multi-colour prints.

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